To begin weaving the Paracord Watchband follow the instructions below carefully, you’ll get the hang of it fast.. Always useful, paracord 550 the sometimes colorful commercial variety and the military original version are a multi-task, useful cord. The paracord 550 comes from the fact that the military version was originally made in WWII and is required and certified to break at 550 pound. The commercial version is closely the same but comes in limitless paracord colors.
To start this two color cobra weave you will need:
1 Watch
1 Paracord bracelet Buckle
1 hemostat recommended
1 pair of scissors
1 Lighter
15’ of paracord you can fuse together paracord colors equal length and start as below with the “middle” as the beginning loop. Singe seal the ends lightly, compress to make end round and small and pointed. And let cool to make threading the cord ends easier. By extra cord, and try this weave with the middle strands pulled out of the paracord sheath. You may find this softer more pliable cord appealing, depending on your needs.
2 Paracord Buckles to snugly attach the paracord watchband to your wrist.
Start by:
Take 7” of one end of paracord and fold back on itself to make a soft loop. Thread this ”loop” through the tie slot in the female half of the buckle with curve facing up and pull out by two inches. Push the loose ends through this loop and pull tight to tighten the loop and cord at the tie in slot. This is the start and the anchor for the paracord watchband.
Keeping the two loose ends of cord flat and straight, pull through face down watch with watchband slot facing to the right and time/date adjustment dials pointing to the top. Keep the two cords straight and thread through the watchband slot on the left. Make sure cords are flat and straight across the back of the watch.
Pull the loose ends through the tie slot in the male side of the buckle and adjust watch to be in the center of the two buckles parts. You may need to measure your wrist for proper fit, but for example you may adjust the right side of the watchband slot to be 3” from the middle of the female side of the buckle and 3” from the left side watchband slot to the middle of the male side of the buckle.
Now take the loose ends of the cord ant thread them through the male side of the buckle one additional time to secure. Keep the cord straight and untangled. With these two loose ends run them back and through the watchband slots, first left and then right on the outside of the first two and thread over and through the female buckle tie slot and down. Pull the loose ends away from the buckle one to the left and one to the right. Now you should have 4 straight lengths of cord between the two buckle halves.
Rotate the watch and buckle so that the watch is face up and the female buckle is at the top and the 12:00 hour should also be at the top. Bring the right side cord over the outermost single straight length (between the buckle and the watch, but beginning this weave snug to the female buckle) and under the two center cords, and over the outermost single straight length on the left side.
Take this left side cord and then go back under the outermost left side single cord (wrapping around this outermost single cord). And then continue over the two center cords and under the right side outermost single cord.
Then repeat this weave by going over the right-side outermost cord and under the two center cords, and over the outermost single cord on the left. Then under (wrapping around) the outermost single cord coming then up and over the two center cords and going over the right side outermost single cord and then under (wrapping around) and then going over the two center cords. Repeat this simple weave until you reach the wristband slots. Start slow, once you start you will see that it is very easy.
As you make each weave snug and push to help tighten and straighten the weaves towards the buckle. You should end with the last weave closet to the watch with the loose end on the right. Flip the watch over and thread through the facedown watch wristband slot on the left and pull cord through.
Then repeat this weave by going over the right-side outermost cord and under the two center cords, and over the outermost single cord on the left. Then under (wrapping around) the outermost single cord coming then up and over the two center cords and going over the right side outermost single cord and then under (wrapping around) and then going over the two center cords. Repeat this simple weave until you reach the male end of the buckle.
After the last weave push the cord down and through to the bottom side use the hemostat if you need to. And then with the hemostat pull the cord through the outermost single cord wrapped around the tie slot on this male buckle.
Now take the hemostat and on the backside of the watchband poke it through the last 3 center weave loops and grab the loose end and pull through, so that the cord is going under these last three center weaves.
Carefully hold this very sort end with the hemostat and singe seal it quickly with the lighter. Let cool and poke under 4th last weave to conceal. Repeat for female buckle side.
View our article on Paracord Buckles to learn how to fasten together your works of art with paracord in a snap.